More Bridges and Lights

Thompson Mill Covered Bridge.
Cowden IL   dwm photo
Over the past year I've picked up two more covered bridges and several lighthouses for each collection.

As some things return to normal, like in-person speaking engagements, that means updating the video tours.

In the process I learned some short-cuts with the video editor that make productions with 100+ individual pictures easier to manage than piecing together individually.

Breakwater light at
Grand Marais, MN 8/24/21
dwm photo
On both videos you will see at least two pictures of every bridge and lighthouse, as many as five but usually three to provide more than a glimpse of these beautiful structures.

I'm still actively collecting bridges and lighthouses.  There is one bridge left to shoot in Michigan to complete the current states and I'm hoping to shoot two Missouri bridges on an upcoming trip.  There are hundreds more bridges out east, so we'll see what happens.

There are lighthouses on Lake Superior in Wisconsin and Michigan I've not photographed which I think could take two or three trips, then it's on to Lakes Erie and Ontario to complete the Great Lakes.  When/if those are in hand we'll look at the coasts.

The bridges are organized by state in alphabetical order so the well-known Madison County covered bridges appear in the first few minutes.  

The lighthouses are organized by lake.  

I've photographed more lights on Lake Michigan so we start there, moving from Michigan to Indiana to Wisconsin before looking at the Michigan lights along Lake Huron.  Then we go to the west end of Lake Superior to see the lights in Minnesota and two in Wisconsin.  

Lake Winnebago lights are at the tail end of Wisconsin's Lake Michigan lighthouses.
