Autumn Arrives

Autumn in Parke County, Indiana.
10/29/2011  dwm photo
One way or another, we've survived two springs and two summers of the Covid-19 pandemic and starting our second autumn under the cloud of the deadly virus.  Things are more normal than they were, but we are still living on Covid-time.

Autumn is my favorite season.  It doesn't come on too strong as winter and summer tend to do and its flair is understated compared to the brilliance of spring's annual rebirth.

Dry conditions this year stressed trees forcing many trees to shut down chlorophyll production early, revealing hidden colors inside each leaf earlier than usual.

 Be A Leaf
We go about our business
Each and every day.
Not exciting.
It's the same old thing,
Going through the motions
We're bland as khaki slacks.

Underneath are sparks of color
Show your color
Be brilliant

9/11/2021 dwm


Have a Great Fall
Autumn is color, hot cider
Wagon rides and piles of leaves
It's the final cutting of grass
And the first killing frost.

Autumn is sweatshirts
A chill in the air.
Fall reminds us the clock is ticking
Live in the moment
Live for others


9/11/2021 dwm
