Vintage Videos - Christmas Stories

Every reporter has done their fair share of holiday stories.

At WISC there was a policy for the news crew when it came to holidays - you had to work one of the three winter holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year) and one of the three during summer (Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day).

I don't recall that being required while I was with KELO, but it was common to get stories "in the can" prior to weekends or holidays so the producers had content ready to use with a smaller than usual news crew.

At both stations I did a lot more Christmas-related stories because I didn't expect to be putting compilation videos together of former stories.  These four are all from South Dakota where I did a story each year on the trees lining the main floor of the Capitol and others as they came to our attention.

There is a cable channel that seems to make a living with Christmas movies and shows them in July as well; so three days short of five months until Christmas here is ten minutes to give you the holiday spirit.

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