My Life - Chapter 30 - Favorite Drinks

Can of Diet Mountain Dew
dwm phot
If the question is about my favorite drink, the answer is Mt. Dew in one of its creations (regular, Sugar, Diet, Zero-Sugar, Code-Red) or as a blend mixed at a soda fountain.

In the Mossner family the soft drink of choice was Pepsi.  As far back as I remember anytime we visited Grandpa and Grandma Mossner the third thing they said after welcoming us and commenting on the good time we made was if we wanted a Pepsi.

At home, I was instructed to split a 16 ounce glass bottle of pop with someone else or put a stopper on it so it could be finished the next day.  Maybe this is the reason soda is a big factor in weight gain, when was the last time you only drank 8 ounces?  When I stop at Kwik Trip I refill a 30-ounce cup!

It was years later I learned mom wasn't a big fan of Pepsi when she started asking for caffeine-free Diet Coke.  I never asked if this was in reaction to the Pepsi, Pepsi, Pepsi at Grandpa and Grandma's, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Chocolate Malt at Walker's in
Beaver Dam, WI. 7/27/19 (dwm)
  The next go-to drink for me in the beverage pantheon is a Chocolate Malt.

  When I was younger, even into my 30s, I enjoyed making a thick malted at home or getting one with real ice cream at a restaurant.

  In college while working at KDMI, I stopped at Goodrich's Dairy store to order a Chocolate Malt with two raw eggs mixed in.  It was large malt, by the way.  One time I mentioned to Mom what I was eating, she said as long as I had eggs I was getting protein, so she wasn't worried.

  Another great chocolate malt which remains an on-going favorite is from Frostie Freeze in Janesville which creates a chocolate malt with chips of chocolate created as hot fudge freezes, which gets crunched into hundreds of small chips at the bottom of the cup.  Just writing this paragraph is making me thirsty.

I do enjoy a cold beer on occasion.  My favorite is Spotted Cow from New Glarus Brewing Company with a hamburger or steak.  Of the major brands I favor Miller products over Budweiser, a little bias for the home-state product.  Miller Genuine Draft is the best, but Miller High Life and Miller Lite are quite acceptable.

To provide context, when I say I enjoy a beer, it is usually that, a beer.  After reaching legal drinking age in Iowa (19), I brought a case of Blatz beer back to our dorm room while I was interning with KWWL-TV.  Over the course of a month, I enjoyed a bottle of beer at the end of the work until the case was just holding empties.

Coffee is not one of my favorite drinks.  My relationship with coffee is professional.  As an insurance salesman and now a fundraiser, if you offer me coffee, I'll say yes.  

I learned to drink it black, because the first time I was offered coffee was by an Iowa State Trooper at the district office.  I wasn't about to ask him for cream or sugar!

The reason I accept is that whether selling insurance or talking about gifts, your ultimate goal is for the person you are seeing to say yes.  If the salesperson starts the evening with a no, it sets a tone that is difficult to overcome.

After reading this far, you are one of my friends, so if you ask if I want coffee, I'll smile and ask if you might have a Mountain Dew instead.
