Happy 4th of July

Shot at the 2009 Indy Freedom Fest.
7/5/2009 dwm photo

Freedom July 4, 2021 means something different.

If you are fully vaccinated you can celebrate with friends and family.  You can attend a community festival or sit next to people you don't know in a theater!

Because the Covid-19 pandemic isn't over and appearing to start a new wave of death and destruction among those who haven't had an opportunity to get the vaccine or refused their chance - the freedom to say no could be costly.

One of our traditions is watching "A Capitol Fourth" on PBS as they broadcast live from Washington.  In 2020, it was a compilation of previous performances and Zoom concerts.  I'm hoping to see a crowd on the Capitol lawn anticipating the 1812 Overture with its cannon fire and airborne blasts.

2009 Indy Freedom Fest.
dwm photo
  Freedom is precious and worth defending for ourselves and especially for those with whom we disagree.

  Celebrate 245 years of freedom today with a picnic, parades, and illuminations.  

  It's certainly an imperfect union and has been since day one when the cherished freedom didn't extend to women or people brought to the country by force.  

  As we celebrate what we have let's work to share those rights with those who don't.

 That's a celebration!
