It's Summer!

Horicon Marsh.  6/16/2017 dwm photo
Summer is here!  The solstice occurred during the night which made Sunday the 20th and Monday the 21st virtually identical in terms of daylight.

Monday has less than one second difference of sunshine.

Sunrise on June 21, 2021 is 5:18 AM Central Daylight Time.  Sunset is at 8:40 PM.  That's 15 hours, 22 minutes, and 15 seconds of daylight, just like June 20.

It's summer in what's quickly feeling like a post-Covid world.  We certainly aren't free and clear - especially for people waiting for their vaccine and equally dangerous for those who don't want the shot - but as restrictions loosen it feels more like normal.

May all of us enjoy a more normal summer this time.


It's summer again
But it's hardly easy
As some friends can't breathe
And feel quite wheezy.

Vacations on hold for more than a year
Are here again to bring you good cheer.
 Sun or clouds; cool or hot
Make the most of it now - it's what we've got.
        dwm 2021
