Vintage Video - Art in the Camera's Eye

The title slide for this week's video.
This week's look at vintage videos stays in South Dakota and can be loosely organized as works of art.

The first story is about a professional artist and the medium which he invented called Termespheres.  The artist and professor Dick Termes uses spheres of different sizes to create a contained universe.  I met him in 1987 when he was drawing the interior of the capitol rotunda in pencil.  

In putting the video together I looked him up and was happy to see he still makes them.  After you see the video I invite you to see more of his work on his website.

A woman shared her love of creating art one stitch at a time with a crochet hook and invited me into her home in Winner, South Dakota.

Calvin Jones was a college student when I met him on stage in the Pierre High School auditorium to do a short story on his first album.  He was very good, but looking back 30-some years later, he was and is more than good as a professional musician.

I don't find any current information online for the Bartlett's who were featured for their custom-made boots and saddles.  Footwear made this way requires someone who is excellent at their craft.

My final summer working for KELO-Land news included shooting a story at the fairgrounds in Fort Pierre about a casting calls for movie that was shooting primarily in South Dakota.  I don't know if any of the hopefuls made the cut to the big screen, but it was a fun to see the process.

Finally, we'll crawl back in time 100 years to the days when every working ranch relied on someone who could make tools and equipment they needed to make everything work.
