My Week That Was - April 3

Merrimac Ferry crossing in the rain.
3/27/2021 dwm photo
   The week started with sputtering rain through the day with temperatures in the 40s for our weekly pandemic drive.

   It was the first time this year we boarded the Colsac III to cross the Wisconsin River because ferry service started less than a week earlier.

  Sunday was brighter, but much more windy.  It's not like I was blown over, but I felt like I was running up a 45 degree angle for much of my route.  

   March isn't leaving like a lion though, so I'm thankful for that.  It didn't come in like one either, by the way.

Monday morning something different happened.  I hopped in my car, put the key in the ignition, turned it, and... nothing.  I took it out and tried again.  A few lights appeared on the dash, but there was no movement under the hood.  This hasn't happened to me with this car or the previous Prius I drove for years.  

Judging things from a distance, I realized the car needed a jump.  The Prius C2 has a large battery in it, but no obvious car battery under the hood when you lift it.  Thankfully the owner's manual has a page on how to give it a jump start and it directed me to find a small strip of metal sticking up from the fuse box to which I could attach the positive charging cord.  It started right up.  Perhaps this is the car's way to get back at me after sleeping outside in sub-zero temperatures a couple weeks in February.

I stumbled into a mystery at work on Wednesday.  We ordered donor recognition plaques before the pandemic started, but it seemed some were missing.  When I asked the vendor for "John Jones" plate, I was told it was part of an order we received and paid for last year.  The problem is John Jones' plate isn't on our donor wall.  Three other plates from the same order are also missing.  Where are they, that is the question.

The array of current Milwaukee Brewer logos.

Last year the Milwaukee Brewers reached the playoffs for the third straight season.  It was the first time the team has done that.  Thursday was the home opener in front of actual fans, not cardboard cutouts.  I think they will get back to the playoffs again this year.

Yesterday I took my Prius into the shop to check its starter battery.  Hybrids don't have a regular car battery since it takes a much larger battery array to power the car's motor, but have a small one that gets the car started.  Apparently 6 years is a good run for such things and I do not remember having to replace the one in my 2002 Prius, so I can't complain.

While the car was getting its work, I walked over to the office to get a few things done.  Thanks to a new corporate building it's a lot easier to get from Smart Toyota to Oakwood; nearly as quick as driving when you consider there isn't a way to drive 'as the crow flys.'

Did you ever wonder why it's as the crow might fly?  Thanks to the internet I looked it up and discovered the centuries old expression doesn't hold water.  One reference for the expression explains that if you release a bird while on a boat (the Ark, anyone) it will take the shortest distance to land.  

That doesn't mean I'll give up the expression or any of the others listed on the referenced link, so I'll be giving it 'the blind eye.'

As we reach the end of Lent, the sun is rising, I hope your next seven days are wonderful.  Thanks for reading!
