Feed the Birds

A Goldfinch at our feeder.   5/1/2017 dwm photo
We stopped feeding the birds after Ricky made a mess of our back deck one evening.

You may not know Ricky.  He, or she, is the raccoon who patronized our buffet of bird seed, flowers, and plants.  

My wife decided it was too much work and while Ricky was welcome, making a hog or raccoon of him or herself was not acceptable.

The feeders and the brackets holding them were removed.  We missed the colorful visitors, but liked how the deck looked covered in snow unblemished by squirrels, raccoons, or to clear a path to refill the buffet.

The bird seed - free zone came to an end Saturday.  It started with one bracket holding a squirrel-proof feeder that finches flocked to within hours.  Sunday the second bracket with two arms was back in place with thistle seed for finch and a hummingbird feeder filled with sugar-water.

It is fun watching the avian population outside our window.  As long as Ricky keeps his/her distance or at least keeps the area clean, the buffet will stay open.
