Vintage Video - Cattle Drive

Screen shot of a cattle drive thru the 
South Dakota Badlands. 1988 KELO-TV
After years of dragging my feet, I finally took a box of video tapes to the Camera Company so they could convert the VHS recordings to digital.

These tapes in particular are stories I enjoyed shooting or liked how they looked in finished form and held them as mementos of my news career.

I spent years in radio and have some cassette tapes from those years, but time hasn't been as kind to those recordings.  Since I received three 32 gig thumb drives holding the content of those 9 tapes I've reviewed and indexed the stories so I can find them.  

Really, if I'm going to share them, friends might look at one or two - but asking them to watch four hours of videos is a non-starter at best.

While working in South Dakota, our station's news department hosted a weekly program following the late Sunday night newscast called, Thirty.   The nice part of that from a creativity viewpoint was being able to let the story breath and go beyond the minute and twenty second limit on the nightly news.

In some cases, I'll put some shorter pieces together.  For the first look at vintage video, I'm using a piece that aired on Thirty back in 1988.   It's a look at the trial run of a cattle drive and wagon train planned for the state's centennial the next year.

One section of video that merits a little explanation is the close-up of the chuckwagon in motion.  I sat on the tailgate while a person there for the drive agreed to drive.

Video of my story about a cattle drive through
the Badlands of South Dakota.
