My Week That Was - March 27

An early sign of spring. 3/21/2021 (dwm)
  It felt like my week got an early start when I took the 19th as a work holiday to watch basketball, becoming a bonus Saturday.  

  That Friday was my appointment to give blood.  This time there were no issues.  The phlebotomist found my vein without any trouble.  Five minutes later, I was getting bandaged up and sent to the canteen for a snack and recovery before heading home.  The rest of that day was spent watching parts of 16 round one games of the NCAA Men's Tournament.  

You can read about my busted bracket in last Tuesday's post.

Saturday started with a workout, then after cleaning up we took a breakfast ride through Green County.  The county's name doesn't fit at the moment - the overwhelming color is brown - which is why my day was brightened Sunday when I saw these flowers (above left) pushing through the soil a few blocks away.

Another thing happened Saturday I nearly forgot, it was two weeks since my second shot of the Moderna vaccine meaning I'm fully inoculated!  That's a relief.  If you are eligible, get yourself on a list because more vaccines are in the pipeline.

After five nights watching NCAA basketball, I'm thankful for the Central Time Zone.  Those late-finishing games used to kick me hard the following morning with most primetime games ending at midnight or later!

One of the best things I've heard in months was a statement this week from a resident, "We got to hug our grandson for the first time in a year."  All that time staying safe at home and getting their shots when they became available paid off.  It's a tangible expression of the optimism delivered one vaccine shot at a time.

This week was cloaked in gray because of incredibly sad news which affected a good friend.  It's a deep wound that may close, but not sure if it will totally heal.  These are moments when you realize life isn't ours to control; the most we can do is walk with our friends and family during dark days and rejoice with them in good times.

Another friend just yesterday captured the mood perfectly, "Deep sadness and extreme joy equals life."

I hope your week and that of my friend includes more rays of joy in the days to come.
