My Week That Was - March 13

I received my 2nd Covid shot!
3/6/2021 dwm photo
   My week started on a great note as I received my second injection of the Moderna Covid vaccine.  Three hours later I wasn't noticing side effects.  I did take a couple acetaminophen tablets after the shot to fend off the pain.

  Just very thankful to get the shot.  I qualified because I work in a retirement community and am around a lot of older adults.  Additional great news is that more than 90% of residents in independent living are vaccinated.

  I didn't have much in the way of side effects.  A box around the area of the shot was warm, tender, and tight for a day and a half that improved with a couple doses of acetaminophen.  The second night after the shot I felt warm, took one more dose, slept, and felt good since.  I'm thankful for that, too.

Like other people I've talked with who had both shots of the vaccine, I not only received a scientific formula designed to help my body fight off the coronavirus.  I received a strong dose of hope.

Yet there is more to it than a shot, there is the wait.  Somewhere between 7 to 10 days, optimally 14 is how long you should wait to give the "antivirus" a chance to put up your body's defense shield.  After your second shot, be patient and tread carefully.

Most of this snow last Sunday is gone.
3/7/2021 dwm photo
The warm up last week started the process.  The relative heat wave this week erased nearly every remaining snow flake.  

The only snow you'll find now is in the shade on the north side of buildings or in rapidly melting snow mountains in parking lots.

It will get cold again and we will probably get more snow.  There's a reason for the old saying, "Spring will come when it snows on the Robin's tail three times."  It's true 100% of the time every three years.

The combination of warmer weather and more people getting their vaccine is elevating the optimism index.  I'll say this, its about time!

One more item this week... I dropped off nine video tapes at the camera shop to convert them to a digital format.  It was less expensive than I expected.  These tapes haven't been in a machine for at least 15 years, spending the time inside an airtight container.  The conversion is to be done within two weeks.

This next week is a big one with a green holiday and the arrival of spring... make it a great week and don't forget to set your clocks ahead one hour before you go to bed!
