Happy Valentine's Day

Internet image
Roses are red
Violets are purple.
What ever is said,
Which rhymes with purple?

It's the pandemic, so you can't shop like you're used to shopping for your Valentine.

You know what it's like, stopping on the way home from work at a store with a parking spot near the door where you can wander the aisles until you find something that will demonstrate life-long love and affection for less than $10.

(Reader alert - the above paragraph is intended to be funny.  It does not reflect any real life or real world experiences of the author while living or dead.)

Maybe it feels like a greeting card holiday, but it does have its roots wrapped around the story of Saint Valentine.

Justly known for giving aid to persecuted Christians, he was executed by the perpetrators on February 14, circa 270.  While the history doesn't indicate he sent flowers to those he loved; he is credited with healing a blind woman resulting in the head of the house and his family becoming Christian.  Before his execution, it's said he finished a note to a loved one with the words, "Your Valentine," which inspired future notes of affection.

It is also thought that Valentine, a priest or bishop, performed Christian weddings that spared the men from service in the Roman army.  It's written, that as a reminder of their love and vows, he would cut parchment into the shape of a heart to give to the couples.

Legend or not, if a portion of the story is true, it should inspire us to tell the people in our lives how much we care for and love them.

You can buy flowers, take someone out to eat, or spend time together watching a movie.  If you're with the one you love, it will be a perfect Valentine's Day.


It's been a while since I shared one of Dad's poems.  He has three Valentine themed poems in "A Variety of Verse" that I want to share today.

                            A Hand-sketched Heart

A hand-sketched heart
    On paper card
Can make a parent
    Swallow hard
For it shows 
    A love sincere,
Reminds us why
    God put us here.

            W.R. Mossner

And some lighter Valentine verse...

Sweet Isabelle

On her private preserve,
One Sweet Isabelle
Kept an elk and a moose
And a swift young gazelle.

She had antelope and pronghorn
And beautiful deer
Whose movements so graceful
Filled Izzy with cheer.

But on Valentine's Day
Some sadness did start
For Izzy found someone
Had stolen her hart.

                W.R. Mossner

Land of Rhyme

In storytime in the Land of Rhyme
Where ancient legends grow,
A petty crime in wintertime
Took place long years ago.

I'll give you hints, there was a prince,
And Valiant was his name.
This handsome prince with chocolate mints
A maiden tried to claim.

This bashful maid, called Tiny Sade,
Refused his gift so sweet,
But undismayed and unafraid,
The prince would not retreat.

A friend so smart in the archer's art
(That's Cupid with his bow.)
Did aim his dart right at her heart
And then he let it go.

The arrow flew both swift and true
To Tiny on that day.
No blood it drew, but Val you knew
Now stole her heart away.

Things went great, and let me state
To mark that love divine,
Upon this date we celebrate
A day for Val 'n Tine.

                W.R. Mossner
