My Week That Was - January 9

A frosty Sunday morning walk on the Military Ridge trail.
  1/3/2021 dwm photo
Fog blanketed much of southern Wisconsin over the weekend leaving a thin layer of frost on nearly everything.  

It was beautiful.  If the sun had shown at all it would have been spectacular.

My camera went on a long walk Sunday morning around Verona, capturing slices of tranquility.

Just a few hours later there were a flurries of snow in Chicago where the Green Bay Packers defeated the Bears in the last game of the season earning a week-off and requiring all NFC playoff opponents to play on the Frozen Tundra of Lambeau Field.

In the first couple days of the new year there were phone calls to make as we closed out the year.  The year was remarkable in terms of funds raised and relationships built.  Our team looks forward to something closer to normal while thankful for a generous outpouring of gifts from donors.

Less edifying and downright disgusting was the continuing temper tantrum by the lame duck President.  Tuesday night he talked about his love for the Vice-President if he would just ignore the Constitution when it comes to his role in the count of Electoral votes.  Wednesday the President's taunts, threats, and drumbeat of anger came to life when his supporters attempted to overturn the election by force.  It is the culmination of behavior that had roots prior to his election in 2016 brought to a boil by his insistence that he could not lose an election.

Yet when all was said and done, Congress certified the election of a new President and the out-going President actually accepted it while insisting he still actually won.  An armchair psychiatrist might conclude there is some delusional thinking going on with the inability to accept reality.  

This bit of news I saw Thursday made a lot of sense... the earth is spinning faster!  For several years we were slowing down a few milliseconds each year (yeah, I felt it too).  But over the last year we've picked up speed so instead of a leap second, scientists will need to subtract.

Friday was quiet.  I made a trip to the Oakwood campus to re-record a portion of the message for incoming calls.  You've heard them, "To learn if you can fly, press 2, To wish upon a star, press the * key.  The sub-menus (what you get if you press 2 or other number) could be recorded separately but the welcoming message had to be done in one take with no edits.  It was a good experience.

That's my week - I hope you had a good one.  

There are 604,800 seconds in the next seven days, I encourage you to make the most of them!
