Brush with Famous - Hugh Sidey

Journalist Hugh Sidey
White House Historical Association photo
I've been reading TIME magazine as long as I can remember.  My parents subscribed.  When I was young I flipped through the pages.  As I got older some stories captured my attention.  By high school one of my must-reads was "The Presidency" column by Hugh Sidey.

Fast-forward to my first job out of college, news director at KJJC-FM in Osceola, Iowa.  One responsibility was a 30-minute Sunday public affairs show.

I looked for topics and interview subjects that could fill the time slot.  Occasionally the person across from me was nervous or prone to short answers and I'd be out of questions with 15 minutes to fill.

When I learned Hugh Sidey grew up in nearby Greenfield, Iowa, I wanted to interview him.

Hugh Sidey went to Iowa State University where he earned a degree in journalism.  From there he did quite well, landing at Life Magazine before moving over to TIME.

He covered Presidents from Eisenhower to Clinton, but while spending most of his adult life in Washington he never forgot about his home town.

We met in Greenfield, it was a nice day so we sat outside my tape recorder between us.  He was an enthusiastic guest with great stories from his childhood and working in the White House.  He was nationally known, while I worked for a small-town station, but it didn't matter to him as he gave graciously of his time. 

I hoped it was a good interview for the KJJC audience. I was excited for the opportunity to speak with a White House correspondent.  Sometimes meeting people you look up to disappoint, but meeting Mr. Sidey exceeded all expectations. 
