The Last Rides

Sunrise near the Military Ridge Trail, Verona.
dwm photo
By the middle of October, and after some very cold rides I was sure my riding days were over.  Then last week happened when we were blessed with 6 days of sunshine and above normal temperatures - Native American Summer was here!

In the middle of last week I started thinking about where I could ride.  Saturday morning was cool for September, but as far as November 7th goes it was close to the average high temp when I rolled away from home a little past seven.  

The sun had been up less than 20 minutes.  I wished I brought riding gloves to go with the long-sleeve jersey, but it wasn't cold, just chilly.  

Milkweed seeds ready to fly.
11/7/20 dwm photo

My route took me north on the Military Ridge Trail where it connects to Cannonball Path, on to the Capital City Trail for the longest portion of the ride, then to McFarland via the Lower Yahara River Trail where I stopped at Kwik Trip for a light breakfast.

On the return trip I felt the sun's warmth as I watched large Oak leaves twist and turn while floating to the ground. 

My bike needed air in the tires after a couple cold weeks standing in the garage before I left.  The bike computer screen was blank as its battery was dead. 

Judging distance wasn't a problem since I'd covered these paths before; I missed the speed, clock, and temperature I am used to seeing.

Sunday I started even earlier, riding a mile to pick up provisions for the year's last ride.

 It was a reprise of another route I enjoyed a couple times this summer.

 As many of other rides, I took the Military Ridge Trail into Madison, then followed the Capital City Trail across the south side of town before it bends north to the isthmus where it meets the SW Commuter path southwest (logically) until it rejoins the Military Ridge Trail for the final five miles.

Sun rising between the trees.
11/8/2020 dwm photo
 Morning skies streaked with streamers of clouds were a perfect background for the trip.  I saw a pair of Sandhill Cranes enjoying leftovers in a harvested cornfield.  200 Canadian Geese announced their presence flying overhead after leaving the pond where they slept. And there was a quartet of turkeys acting like tourists in an empty campground.

 Just a few hours later, the trails would be full of others on bikes, skates, and feet soaking up the sun's rays while enjoying the last blast of summer-like weather.

 I took the recumbent to the basement when I got home.  It was a wonderful riding season, but until spring I'll stick with running, walking, and driving around the great outdoors.

 Lesson learned thanks to the pandemic is needing to get on my bike multiple times each week, that's the plan for next year.

 You should ride as long as you can.  Be careful!
