Rural Dane County Wisconsin 11/14/2020 (dwm) |
There is almost a full month before the winter solstice when the days start getting longer.
It can be tough to get moving in the morning if you are on your way before 7am and it's still dark. That's compounded in the afternoon when it is pretty dark by 4:30 come mid-December.
Those conditions were more acute when we lived in Indiana on the west side of the Eastern Time Zone and sunrise didn't happen until 8 am. Ugh.
However, the limited amount of daylight makes it all the more precious and worth celebrating when they happen during streaks of gray days.
Days Are Shorter
Days are shorter in the year's last quarter;
Wind takes on a chill.
Tree leaves brighten; schools enlighten
Fog may shroud each hill.
Nature's saying, "I'm here playing."
"This time of year is great."
In any season, life's a reason
For all to celebrate.
W.R. Mossner
A Variety of Verse
I thought I shared the next poem in October, but couldn't find it upon review. This is for people seeing the brightest leaves long after they've blown off the trees, been bagged and hauled away up north.
Autumn Leaves in Vibrant Hues
Autumn leaves in vibrant hues
Make a wondrous scene.
Magnificent are wooded views
Mixed with summer's green.
With such a sight, could one deny
Creation's works are fair
And that the Maker does supply
Our souls with beauty rare?
W.R. Mossner
A Variety of Verse
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