Sunrise 9/27/14 dwm photo |
One of the first things I do is look up when I go outside for the first time. Depending on what I see, I think of the saying my grandpa frequently shared: "Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning; red sky at night, sailors delight."
The phrase summarizes what sailors learned by association: a red morning sky often means a high pressure system has passed indicating a low pressure storm system is moving east while a red sky at night (to the west) indicates high pressure and good weather is coming the next day.
Of course we might have our skies - gray clouds at work or storm clouds figuratively at home or in the workplace. Whatever color your sky is today, I hope it will be turning red when evening falls.
How Looks the Sky
Dark dull gray or brilliant blue?
How looks the sky today?
And how about the inner you?
Does life look gray or blue?
Life can often tiring seem;
Accomplishments seem rare.
The eyes reflect diminished gleam.
The world seems not to care.
But this old world does little know;
It takes a selfish stance.
It neglects the warm sweet glow
Which is life's romance.
That glow will come with your concern,
Your care and loving deeds.
So if to find that glow you yearn,
Be alert for this world's needs.
Share your life with those around.
Strive for what is right.
You soon will notice you have found
Your skies are blue and bright.
W.R, Mossner
A Variety of Verse
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