Radio Roseville - Chapter 17

“Kathy?  Hey Kath, we already have 35 registrations for the WR-SERIES.  What are we going to do?”  

“What’s that, Vick?”  

“We only needed 32 teams to play out our tournament.  We have 35, and we’re not at the deadline.”  

“Ok.  This is a good problem to have.  Let’s think for a second...” 

“I’ve got it.  We take 40 teams.  The extra 8 play down to two teams, then we put each against the lowest seeded teams in each tournament.  What do you think?” 

“Jim will love to sell ads for another four games.” 


Jean Marberg was on the phone with the County Nurse.  “Is there a way I can set up an outdoor lunch, with proper social distancing, for twenty people.?” 

“There is, but you’ll need Gus and Tom to prepackage each individual meal in advance.  You can’t have a buffet or self-serve drinks; six-foot tables for two; and if people aren’t eating they need to wear masks.” 

“Yes, we can do that.  I’ll be speaking after lunch.  When we’re done, they'll go home.” 

“If that’s the case, I’ll give you my blessing.  Just be sure everyone understands; this is serious.” 

“Yes, nurse.  I understand and will share that loud and clear.” 


Pete met with Kevin every Friday to discuss station business.  Kevin would use the occasion to talk about managing a station and ask Pete about his topic of the week. 

“Kevin, I’m going to Michigan next week to meet with the owners of a station.  They want my advice because of what we’re doing.  While I’m learning a lot, thanks to you, I’m not going to pretend I’m an expert.  Can you come with me to Ironwood?  There is a second room available.  I’ll appreciate it and I know Steve Jackson’s family will, too.” 

Kevin took off his glasses to clean a non-existent speck.  It was his go-to move when he needed to think. 

“Pete, thank you.  I’d love to go with you.  This also tells me you are making progress, because one of the best lessons for all of us is learning what we don’t know.” 

Click here to catch up on the rest of the story.
