My Week that Was - April 25

Weekly Zoom calls are now part of our lives.  4/19/20 (dwm)
I suspect many of you reading this are like me.  Prior to March 1, 2020 we'd never heard of Zoom.

"Zoom, zoom" is something we said while playing with our SSP drag racers or Hot Wheels.  It wasn't a method of communication.

My first exposure to Zoom came when a board on which I'm a member met after Safer in Place orders were issued and it was the only way to meet.

14 of us chimed in from our office or kitchen table for the meeting.  Cats walked across keyboards and spouses sometimes wandered behind the speaker.  It was the kind of look we don't get often at the office.

My family, like many others, use it for a weekly chats.  Our thing is logging in from a different location in the house.  Last Sunday we sat in front of the fireplace.  Before that it was the stairs; in front of a large painting; and in large living room chairs.

Just deciding to zoom isn't enough.  Well, it isn't enough for our group.  We need talking points or agenda so we don't stare at each other the whole time, or was that just me?

It's week five home-working and it appears another four are on the horizon.  While I am looking forward to getting back to campus and the office - if staying in place helps control the corona virus, that's the wise thing to do.

Last weekend I took my new camera out for a spin.  It's a used camera, but new to me with 6 million more pixels!  Instead of going into detail on that here, I'll save it for a separate blog.

2020 GB Packer Draft cap.
4/23/2020 dwm photo
You could find a lot of people in front of a screen Thursday night for the NFL draft.  It's the first major sport event since COVID-19 dropped a pall over the country.  (Yes, I know the WNBA draft was last weekend.)

While the Corona Virus is a long way from over - it was fun to take a moment in the fun & games department as our teams select players.

While pundits will judge the three-day draft soon after it ends; it takes time for players to develop, so right now we hope the guys our team picked will push us to new heights.

I will say I didn't see the Jordan Love pick coming.  Then again, I didn't expect the Pack to choose Aaron Rodgers when a healthy Brett Favre was on the team.  That doesn't mean Love will be the quarterback Rodgers is, but it would be helpful for Mr. Gutekunst and his scouts.

I didn't get into full Packer attire for the draft, but I did buy the hat given to the pick (above left) and a new Packer golf shirt.  Go Pack, Go!

For the workout schedule, Friday was walk & stretch day.  Rain was in the forecast, so I wanted to finish the walk early before it rained.  I went early, just in time to catch a steady drizzle.  The hot shower felt good after that.

Here's hoping you are keeping mentally close with your friends and family while maintaining the correct physical distance.  Have a great week!
