Sunrise Jan 1, 2020. dwm photo |
Tuesday was the last of 2019, so I wanted to be on hand in the office to help with last minute donor gifts and complete the final thank you calls.
It takes another week of mail delivery to finish the prior year - as long as gifts have a 12/31/2019 postmark they count as last year's gift. Very thankful for awesome donor support this year - it's a new record at Oakwood! Thank you.
We didn't do anything special New Year's Eve, didn't bother staying up, and the calendars changed without any issues.
There were three others at the gym when I got there to start 2020 - since I wasn't going to work, I added 20 minutes on the bike. A good way to start the day and year!
Wisconsin lost a close game in the Rose Bowl New Year's day. It felt until the very end the Badgers were going to overcome their turnovers. But not this year - the result literally a gut-punch for the players and their fans.
My thanks to the team for a fun ride and great season.
One of the galleries at the Chazen Museum of Art. 1/2/2019 (dwm) |
Just a day later, we went to an art museum. It was a good way to spend a few hours and quite relaxing. I'll have more in Tuesday's blog.
It was my wife's birthday Thursday, and the museum was just part of the day. It started with a breakfast at the Norske Nook in DeForest. When we lived in Augusta, we were ten minutes away from the original in Osseo, Wisconsin. This location is their third store, and it fits the local high school mascot is the Norskies!
Like a moth to a flame, with a couple of gift cards in my pocket, we headed to the University Book Store and R.E.I. (Recreational Equipment, Inc). I found a nice UW polo shirt, black with the red "motion-W," in the last rack. At REI, there was a lot to see and choose from - there was a real nice pair of winter gloves - until I saw the $145.00 price tag. Since I'm not climbing a mountain or planning to spend most of my days outside this winter, I can do with less expensive gloves. I bought a book on Wisconsin's Rails to Trails and a State pass for those trails, which took care of the gift card.
Yielding in favor of rest over frantic action, it's been a good couple of days in these parts. That Wednesday snow was mostly gone by Friday, and a promising snow-system is going to miss us.
That's my week - I hope you had a good first week of 2020!
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