Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
7/3/2011 (dwm)
It's a new year.  A clean slate.  Believe it or not, it is the third decade of the century!

I can hardly believe it since I think of the early 2000s as just a few years ago.

Coming into 2020 - there are no big plans on my calendar - a dentist appointment; some work obligations; and several speaking engagements - but that's it.

As usual, the calendar unfolds one day at a time.  On its face, one day feels like the next one or the one before.  Unless it is a day celebrated or mourned by a lot of people at the same time, days can pass unnoticed.

That's the idea in a book by Gene Weingarten called, One Day- the extraordinary story of an ordinary 24 hours in America.   The author randomly chose December 28, 1986 - then investigated some of the things that happened and how they played out.  It's an interesting look at a variety of events and made me think about how moments tilt the direction of one life or many lives.

The book came out in October, so you can find it anywhere.  It's a good read, and thanks to my sister for giving to me for Christmas!

Back to looking at the next 365 days (it's a leap year with 366)... I hope to see a Super Bowl for the Packers; an NBA title for Milwaukee; Rose Bowl win for the Badgers; and with some luck - a World Series for the Brewers.

I wouldn't suggest putting money on those predictions, but it would make for a whale of a sports year in Cheese Country.

It's an election year, which is always momentous.  The impact is likely to be felt up and down the ballot and possibly for years to come.

That's enough from 30,000 feet - here on the ground I'm looking forward to where this voice acting adventure goes; what donors are thinking; what routes I should ride; and where to go on vacation.

While it would be interesting to know in advance - ultimately, I think that would be terrible.  I can only cope with a few things at a time, and having to handle the next year's events in one gulp is too much.

Here's to our year - as we travel our paths a day at a time.
