Christmas tree at Oakwood. 12/9/2019 dwm photo |
With the rise of Amazon and other sites - the urgency fades. I can order something the afternoon of the 24th and have it in hand, probably wrapped, the next day. No reason to worry!
I've not done the research on this, so I could be wrong, but Amazon seems to be keeping the little white United States Postal Service trucks on the road. Early in the morning, even Sunday - carriers are leaving boxes with the arrow smiles all over town.
Yesterday afternoon, I ordered a piece of equipment for my sound system. It arrived in less than 24 hours.
As far as I can tell, the next step will be Amazon knowing what we want to buy and for whom, before we do... and Alexa will do the work.
It sounds convenient, but it doesn't sound like shopping for family and friends - it sounds like it is just another box to check before year-end.
That isn't seem progress.
May I suggest heading to a locally owned store and searching until you find the right gift.
You, and the person receiving the gift, will be glad you did.
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