The Cherry Republic

As you walk around the Cherry Republic headquarters in
Glen Arbor, Michigan - you see a lot of signs.
9/23/2019 dwm photo 
I'm not a big fan of cherries, but I like the attitude of a business that boils down its mantra in a few words: Life, Liberty, Beaches, and Pie.

The Cherry Republic is about all cherries, either.  It is all about one kind of cherry, Michigan's Montmorency Tart Cherry, and the 200 products it makes with them.

My personal hang-up with cherries, goes back to childhood and every cough syrup I ever choked down was cherry flavored.

The Republic's store
and sample room
Just let me pass, OK?

I think the trees and their blossoms are beautiful.  I'm fine with other people enjoying the tart taste.  And I won't waste one on top of my ice cream sundae.

Life, Liberty, Beaches, and Pie started as a t-shirt.  They lead to a creation called the Original Cherry Boomchunka cookie. The rest, as they say, is history, including $2,000,000 of profits given back to help Michigan's communities and environment.

You can't argue with results or that most folks love more than cherry pie!

Kingdoms have rested on less.
