My Week That Was - October 12

Mission Point Lighthouse  9/17/2019 dwm photo
While this week was the second without a light house visit; a good chunk of life still revolves about them.

That's because this coming Wednesday, my wife and I are doing a presentation on Mission Point and our travel around two Great Lakes taking their pictures.

I'm calling it, "Light House Keeping."

If you've been reading over the past week - you may get the humor.

The presentation is still in draft phase, but it is still four days away.

Monday was busy with several visits and a malfunctioning printer.  Our computer system is designed so I can print a document and pick it up from any of a dozen Toshiba printers on either Oakwood campus.

It didn't work that way after my first successful print job.  In fact, I couldn't print until the next morning from a different computer.

Wednesday I learned the right front headlight bulb was out.

Since I'm not a car guy when it comes to repairs, I looked under the hood to see if I could change the light... ah, no.

Thanks to the guy behind the counter at Verona's Advanced Auto - I have both lights in working order.  He pulled out the extinguished bulb and installed a new one in less than 60 seconds and for less than $17.

Yesterday, I was part of an event put on by our local fundraising chapter.  We called it, "Out for blood and head shots!"

If members signed up to give blood or gave blood recently, we provided a professional photographer to get a nice picture of them, from the shoulders up... it's called a head shot.

We had a good turnout and generated traffic for the local Red Cross.  I suspect it will be bigger next year.

That's my week - I hope your next seven days are fantastic!
