My Week That Was - August 24

Finishing the 2 day Ride Across Wisconsin. 8/18/2019
(pw photo)
While it was just the first three days of this week, the memories will last a lifetime.

I was part of a two day, 231 mile ride from La Crosse to Green Bay with 904 other registered riders.

You can check the Tuesday and Thursday blog posts for more about the ride, which was great.

After the ride, it was time to change, load the bike and head home

But first, there were a couple more pictures to take... as a couple of Green Bay lighthouses were just blocks from the finish line.

Grassy Island Range Lights.
8/18/2019 dwm photo
There will be more on the Grassy Island Range Lights (at right) near the end of September.

Monday was a rest, relax, and recovery day before heading back to work.  I felt pretty good and the cuts on my right arm were healing nicely.  It was a good day to put the supplies for the ride away and sort through the weekend photos.

Tuesday it was back to work.  I had people to call, messages and emails to return and projects to move along; thankfully by the end of the day I was caught up and ready for the rest of the week.

Wednesday I had two meetings - one an interview for an upcoming donor newsletter and the second, a team gathering for an upcoming mailing.

Thursday we were out of the office to attend Fundraising Day Wisconsin.  It is organized annually by the Greater Madison Chapter of Associated Fundraising Professionals for members in the Madison and Milwaukee chapters.  It is done well, and I generally return with at least a couple ideas to use on the job, which makes those kinds of gatherings worth attending.

I was back in the office Friday - setting up a couple of appointments for next week and wrapping up the week - and looking forward to the weekend.  I hope your next week is great!~
