The lazy, hazy days of summer are here.
Summer sunrise 8/31/2014 dwm photo |
The season arrived in the middle of the morning at 10:54 Central Daylight Time.
It's the most daylight we get all year. The sun came up over Madison at 5:18 this morning, and sets at 8:40 tonight. That's a whole second longer than June 20, and two seconds longer than June 22.
June 21 may be the second longest of the summer, but it also starts the long march to the day with the least amount of daylight, December 21.
Enjoy it, people. Especially those of you living in snow country, because it will seem like only a few days before the chance of snow creeps into the daily weather forecasts.
Have an awesome summer!
Days of Lemonade
The glass sweats
Nervous it may not be cold enough
On the hottest day.
Surface spots
Mark the end of cubes
That perspired their lives away.
The grasp.
Gulp, gulp, gulp.
Aaaahhhhh - it's summertime.
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