Any Time Universe

My gym.  10/15/2015  dwm photo
It could be any place I guess, the convenience store or a favorite restaurant.

Mine is the gym.  It's open 24 hours a day, but it exists for me between 5:25 and 6:10 am.  Running Man, Doug, Jonathan, Cookie, one or both of the Chatty Cathies, and Lynn are people I expect to see when I walk in.

Just a bit later and its like they dropped off the face of the earth.  A couple weeks ago I missed my morning window and came in after work.  Other than one of the trainers who helped me when I first joined, they were all new to me.  None of them knew me.

In the morning I feel comfortable.  I know the routine and can be confident about using the equipment without interference.  Show up out of sequence, and it is a whole new world.  The gym might look familiar, but it was a whole different galaxy than mine.  Weird.

Life is like that at both the micro and macro level.  Our lives and our homes are seen through our own glasses; put on another pair and the view changes.  Do Doug Cookie, Lynn, and the Running Man notice when I'm gone or does life go on as if I never breathed?

You are right if you think this may be a bit deep.  Life isn't the Truman Show with a cast of extras ready to spring into action when we walk on set each day - but it is interesting to contemplate.

The question is... where is your universe?
