I Am NOT Old Enough!

An excellent guide for people
considering a move to a senior
living community.  (dwm photo)
I work at Oakwood Village in Madison - it's a retirement community.

More specifically, it is a Continuing Care Retirement Community.  That means we offer independent living apartments.  There are assisted living units for people who can do most things on their own, but need some help.  We provide rehabilitation services; memory care; and skilled care.

Just what goes into the process of choosing to move into such a place?  An Oakwood resident has written a tidy journal filled with a fresh perspective and advice for others wondering if it is the right choice for them.

I am NOT Old Enough! by Hilde Adler shares her experience through 27 stages of adjusting to life in a place like Oakwood.

Listed first... I am not moving anywhere.  I love my house.  I can handle it.  I am not going to live in an apartment.

You read as Hilde go through each stage.  The first blast is likely a common reaction by almost anyone who is told they should consider making "the move."  Then she offers her own reality check with a take on things really go or suggest re-thinking the first conclusion.

 from page 2  "...it would be just so difficult to live in an apartment.  It would make me feel claustrophobic.  Think of everything I'd have to get rid of if we moved to an apartment."

from page 3  "Reality check.  Well, everything you just said is probably sort of true.  But, it's not completely true, or the idea of living in a retirement community would not even have appeared on your radar screen."

The final stage: "I think I'm very
glad I moved here."
In my experience, the advice I hear residents give to those thinking about such a move is to do it sooner than later.

It stands to reason that the younger and healthier someone is when they move - they can more readily adjust and become active members of the community.

As Hilde shares in her book - her truths aren't everybody's truths when it comes to making the move to a place where you can get help if you need it.  If it's your spouse that needs help - they can get it and you won't have to drive across town to see them.

Another bit of wisdom inside the covers is that while you might think your circumstances are unusual and unique - so are the circumstances for everybody else.

It is my pleasure to know Hilde.  She has a wonderful sense of humor that comes through each page and a dynamic personality.  I enjoyed every page.

This is a quick read - perfect if you are starting to wonder about those senior communities in your area or if you want an idea about what your parents are going through as they decide to downsize, pack up, and move.  It is certainly worth the small investment to order and read, I Am NOT Old Enough!
