Here is where "the preparation" started. 3/13/2019 4:30 pm dwm photo |
We, well no, I shouldn't include you in my odd thoughts...
So, I've always wondered how much weight you lose each day going to the bathroom.
My preparation for a colonoscopy requires cleaning out, so I hopped on the scale as a personal science experiment. (Why I didn't think of this for the grade school science fair? It would have been better than trying to get an egg into a soda bottle.)
Just be sure - here is a tip - to mix in Crystal Light drop-in to the glass of "go juice." The preparation calls for 8 cups between 6 and 8 pm followed by 8 cups between 6 and 8 am in advance of the scope at 12:15. To create a better mix, I used a 16 ounce glass with the plan of drinking one each half-hour.
I had chewing gum and Gatorade at the ready for an alternate taste in my mouth, but the Crystal Light helps. A lot. No, I won't opt for this concoction on a hot summer's day, but it is a long way from dreadful which is all I can ask at this stage of the game.
Later I realized a key for me is keeping the beverage cold. I didn't on the first night and it got increasing difficult to get it down. The morning of the exam I decided to keep it in the fridge until I poured the next glass. It is a long road... with many, many pit stops!
After Prep! 3/14/2019 (dwm) |
It was seven hours before the appointment; three to the deadline to finish drinking. "On your mark, get set, GO!"
Cold was the way to go (helpful hint). I finished the fourth with 10 minutes to spare. There is no way around it, it was more difficult to swallow the longer you drink. Another key for me was a straw. It helped get the stuff down my throat with a minimum of flavor.
After sufficient time passed, around 10:45, I felt ready. That's when I got back on the scale (upper left).
Frankly, I thought there would be more than a 2.4 pound difference!
We arrived at the UW Health Digestive Center just before noon for the 12:15 appointment.
At the desk was a small pin with a blue ribbon in the shape of a star that looks kind of like a person. It was part of a display for National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Since that is the point of the test, I took a pin.
They slapped on a wristband. This is important since it is the only way anyone knew who I was.
The UW Health Digestive Center. 3/14/2019 dwm photo |
I remember getting wheeled into the procedure room. An aide gave me a warm blanket while another nurse asked me to get on my side. She put a plastic tube in my nose.
That's it, that is all I remember. My next memory is drinking a smoothie back in the room where I started. I remember parts of the drive home and going upstairs and back to sleep.
I'm told I said lots of other things, including telling the doctor I was awake the during the whole thing!
My pin looks like this star. (internet image) |
That seems like a schedule I can live with.
If you have a history of colon cancer in your family or are more than 50, make sure you get it on your calendar.
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