At a stop sign on my drive home Monday night. 12/31/2018 dwm photo |
A trace here and a half-inch there - it came in spurts and spots, if it all stuck around it might reach a child's ankle.
Monday afternoon - New Year's Eve Day - we finally saw enough snow to measure. It started as rain, turned to ice, and finally huge, fluffy flakes.
Just walking to the car on Oakwood's Prairie Ridge campus, I noticed some slippery spots on the parking lot, but was relieved to find no ice on the car. The Interstate and Beltline were no trouble as traffic moved at an appropriate speed.
It was after taking the exit to a surface street the drive got interesting. There was a small incline to climb, from a distance I noticed a car in the right lane with its flashers going and not moving. There was room for the car in front of me to proceed; until it stopped. Eventually, the vehicle behind me was able to back up and turned on a side street. Another car gave me room to do the same and I wound my way through side streets. While others seemed to be spinning quite a bit, my car handled nicely, I had no trouble getting home.
Frolicking Vibilia Longwings at Milwaukee's Public Museum 1/2/2019 dwm photo |
I'll write more about it in Tuesday's blog, but I can't wait to tell you about my experience in the Puelicher Butterfly Wing.
On a cold January day it was an oasis of flying color and warmth for cold visitors.
There were a couple dozen of us hoping for an up-close encounter.
"My" tag-along Owl Butterfly. 1/2/2019 dwm photo |
I couldn't get a photo of it on my lens although it was agile enough to keep its footing while I photographed its friends.
There was a fan near the exit, but the breeze didn't get the Owl to take flight.
The Owl Butterfly and the others with it are all native to Costa Rica. The Owl gets its name from the Owl-like eyes on the underside of its wings which frighten predators.
It can only fly short distances at a time - a yard or two at most - which is why I guess it used me to carry it around. When he refused to fly away, I found a nearby leaf where I gently persuaded him to rest instead.
Then I was able to get his picture, look at all those eyes!
Thursday I was back in the office - most of the work now is completing things for the prior year and preparing year end giving statements to mail before the end of January.
Our team is pretty well organized after three years together and that certainly helps.
A warmer Friday and more of the same this weekend mean most of the snow we got Monday is likely to disappear.
One day of work, two days off, and two days of work - working all five days next week will be an adjustment.
I hope you have a good week and Happy New Year!
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