My Week That Was - Nov 24

You can see the lead runner in the black jersey to the right
of the man in the blue hoodie.  11/17/2018 dwm photo
My week started at University Ridge Golf Course for the NCAA Division One Cross Country Championships.

Just to be sure I fortified myself for an outdoor morning, I headed to Gus' Diner for breakfast.

I was the second customer in the door.  I ordered a mix of Mountain Dew and Diet Dew to go with a small bowl of oatmeal and two slices of buttered toast.

Later, I drove to a giant parking lot for a shuttle ride to Zimmer Championship Course.

You could tell it was a big deal.  The athletes were warming up and coaches were walking around.  I talked to a coach from Fairleigh Dickinson in Madison, New Jersey while walking down to the course from the Marshall's meeting I just attended.  That was a neat experience before the day started.
The Zimmer Course.
11/17/18 (dwm)

After my meeting there was still 90 minutes before the first race, so I walked around the course taking in the atmosphere and taking photos.  During the race, I couldn't take pictures while working.  The only race photos were long distance while I was working.

It was an awesome day.  After the men's race, I returned the NCAA bib and got in line for the shuttle for the ride back to my car.

After the race I heard varying estimates of the attendance with many guessing 10,000.  Others simply said it was the largest gathering at any Cross Country meet, and I'm glad I was one of them.

That mailing I wrote about last week did get in the mail.  Some get delivered by hand, placed into mailboxes of campus residents.  The great news is we are already seeing a positive response.

Thanksgiving Day was cold and cloudy and 29 degrees for the 15th Annual Berbee Derby.  It was a lot like the NCAA Championships, but since I was inside the chute it was much slower.  You can read more about it Tuesday.

Clock Tower in
Dubuque, Iowa.
11/23/2018 (dwm)
Most of our small family made it to Madison to celebrate the holiday - we enjoyed a delicious dinner and time together which to my way of thinking is what the day is all about.

On Friday, we took a trip to Iowa for the day stopping in Dubuque to buy some popcorn at Freddie's on Main Street.  Their Mississippi Mix is awesome.

The whole Black Friday thing doesn't interest me much, so I'm thankful there are some games to distract me.

I hope you have a great week.

Hang on to your heart of thanks for the next 52 weeks.
