My Week That Was - Nov 10

I voted!        11.6/2018  (dwm)
There was a line when I arrived at the Verona Public Library at 6:43 Tuesday morning.

Back at the August primary election, I was first in line when I got there at quarter of seven.  It was nice to see folks anxious to get to the polls.

Just before the doors opened shortly before 7, there at least three dozen folks waiting to vote.

Turnout around Wisconsin rivaled that of Presidential election years and in several places surpassed it.

My polling place.  11/6/18 (dwm)
After voting, I drove by other busy polling places.  An elementary school parking lot and a lot at the church across the street were overflowing with cars of early-rising voters.

I was glad to see such a strong turnout.

Wednesday and Thursday were the scheduled Health & Benefits Fair at Oakwood Village and it was my job to visit with employees, asking them to consider becoming donors.

It went well, with several signing on and many more considering it.  The goal of our table at the fair is to show donors and prospective donors the impact gifts make at our organization.

Celestial Bucky
6/19/2018 dwm photo
Friday I took a short trip down memory lane as they joined me on a ride to revisit the Buckys on Parade around Madison this summer.

Three dozen Oakwood residents saw the seven dozen plus one statues.

It's been several months since my last ride to Bucky and a couple months since the last Bucky blog. 

This was a fast ride too.  The presentation has been an hour from start to finish the first two times, this one clocked in at 55 minutes.

Voting; a health fair; and a virtual bike ride - all in all - a pretty nice week.  I hope you enjoyed yours!
