Welcome to Fall

Autumn arrived at 8:54 PM Central Daylight Time today. 

Where has the summer gone?

Good-bye Summer.
Early sign of autumn.   9/17/2018 dwm photo
Sun up at 5:30
Early start to every day
Long evenings every night.

Summer fun is put away
Beach balls deflated.
It is time to work
...to harvest
...to study
and rake.
Hello, fall.

Autumn is my favorite time of year.  I love walking through dry leaves hearing them crunch.  I love biking amidst hills covered by quilts of leaves.

Temperatures warm during the day.  Then a crispness in the evening air and a bracing chill to start the day.

Apple cider.  Fresh doughnuts.  Bonfires.  Colorful leaves.  These are four of my favorite things.

Falling leaves racing rakes pummeling piles
Autumn leaves play across piano keys
Light casts long shadows into coming days
Love blooms as the earth falls asleep.
