My Week That Was - Sept 1

Heavy rain.  August 9, 2011  dwm photo
While the really heavy rain happened on August 20 - the impact is still washing over many Wisconsinites.

My first experience with the power of rain was at work on Monday.  The east campus got an estimated 6 inches.

Just a couple inches ended up in the lower level of the Community Center which holds several offices, including mine.

When I arrived at work chairs were on desks and heavy-duty fans were blowing to dry things out.

The fans and conditioning created a windchill.  It was loud, creating a roar loud and steady enough to drown out a ringing telephone and nearly impossible to speak with someone walking in the hall.

It was a small thing.  I'm thankful the damage wasn't worse. 

My situation wasn't bad, much worse is the situation for hundreds of families in the area trying to salvage memory books, heirlooms, and property.

A lesson here - you don't have to live near a river to experience a flood in your basement.  Your best reaction is to consider flood insurance.

On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to share my Bucky bike rides with a number of people who couldn't get out to see all 85 statues in an hour.  They seemed to enjoy it and it was a whole lot of fun reliving the rides.

Thursday offered something different and familiar.  Oakwood's rickshaws are being featured in a video production and I was privileged to be part of the process.  A resident and I made several loops around different parts of the campus so the videographer could tape it.  Each of us were interviewed by the producer. 

It reminded me of my days working in TV news and the contrast between the equipment I used and that used today.

It was fun and I can't wait to see the finished product.  When it comes out, I'll try to put a link in the blog.

That was my week - I hope you have a great Labor Day Weekend.
