The 85 Buckys on Parade are wonderful and will be difficult to top as public art pieces accessible to all.
Here are my favorites:
Most Interesting
America's Badgerland
Artist - Larry Schultz
This combines the state's most iconic symbols in an incredible 3-Dimensional design. The cow looks like she is walking right at me.
Location: UW Veterinary Medicine, Observatory Drive
Blog posted - July 9, 2018
dwm photo 6/9/2018
Most Interesting
Visible Bucky
Artists Philip Salamone with Sarah Greg
Most Interesting
Ink'd Wisconsinly
Artist Stripe
Another look under Bucky's fur reveals a lot of artwork of the campus near and dear to his heart. It gives Bucky a lot of (State) street cred.
Location: 449 State Streeet
Blog posted August 10, 2018
dwm photo 6/16/2018
Artistic Winners
These three caught my eye for design and execution.
A Taste of Madison
Artist James McKiernan
I had to remind myself as I walked up to this guy in front of the Madison Hilton that all the Buckys were made of fiberglass.
Mr. McKiernan seems to have carved the essence of Madison into Bucky as the different colors in the block of wood are revealed by his carving tools. Beautiful.
Location Hilton Madison Monona Terrace
Blog posted July 23, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
Artistic Winner
Bucky come se Picassso
Artist Julie Hustad
I love the feel of Picasso you get looking at this Bucky. It features several of Picasso's artistic styles and is right outside the Chazen Museum of Art which has several real Picasso's hanging in their gallery.
Location Chazen Museum of Art
Blog posted July 23, 2018
dwm photo 6/16/2018
Artistic Winner
Vintage Postcard
Artist Anne Raskopf
This beauty along State Street offers a look up State Street to the State Capitol on the front of Bucky.
On the back is a place for the return address and to write the name of the person to whom you are sending it.
Location: 452 State Stree
Blog Posted August 10, 2018
dwm photo 6/16/2018
Special Recognition
Strike Up the Band
Artist Richard Yanke
This special effects Bucky recognizes Shake the Lake - the annual Fireworks show over Lake Monona.
Glow in the dark paint shows up at night and Bucky's inner glow lights up both sides of the firecracker Bucky.
Location: Lakeside - John Nolen Drive at South Broom St.
Blog posted: June 15, 2018
dwm photo 5/28/2018
Special Recognition
Bucky on Ice
Artist: Dan Gardiner
This Bucky brings together a lot of elements. First, he is standing near Monona Bay which is the hottest spot for ice fishing in the city. Anglers come from near and far to venture on the water to make a hole.
Bucky is holding an ice fishing pole. At his feet is a fish poking through the ice.
Location: 150 N Shore Dr
Blog Posted: June 18, 2018
dwm photo 5/28/2018
Special Recognition
Animals Need Bucky Too
Artist: Kathy King
It's not a jumpsuit, it's Dr. Bucky's lab coat emblazoned with all the animals depending on him and University of Wisconsin Veterinary graduates for care.
He is a confluence of color, animals, and education.
Location: 1 South Pinckney Street
Blog Posted: July 30, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
Special Recognition
Wisconsin Colors
Artist S.V. Medaris
I love this cow's sweater. Her birthmarks - forehead and the back of her head -depict America's Dairyland which produces a lot of cheese from its abundant supply of milk.
This Bucky looks great in front of the Capitol.
Location: Wisconsin State Capitol
Blog Posted: July 13, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
Special Recognition
Every Veteran is a Story
Artist: Yvette Pino
The service Buckys are special for who they represent and the way they portray the men and women of Wisconsin, past - present and future, who served and serve our country.
Location: Main floor State Capitol Rotunda
Blog Posted; July 13, 2018
dwm photo: 6/29/2018
Full Fatigues
Artists: Madison Vet Center/V.S.A.
This Bucky stands guard in the Wisconsin Veterans Museum.
His face is covered with images of military service and members of the military. His uniform is made from those of each branch of the military.
Location: Wisconsin Veterans Museum
Blog Posted: August 10, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
University Honors
5th Quarter
Artist Kim Marie
This Bucky is inside to protect his instruments and the sheet music plastered all over him.
He salutes the antics and fun of the Badger Band after the final gun of each Wisconsin home football game.
Location: AC Hotel by Marriott
Blog Posted: July 23, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
University Honors
Bucky Alvarez
Artist: Dan Gardiner
Bucky's stern visage, partially hidden by sunglasses gives the coaching Badger a close resemblance to the legendary coach who lifted Wisconsin football back to national prominence.
Location: Camp Randall
Blog Posted: August 24, 2018
dwm photo: 6/9/2018
University Honors
Vial Caps for a Cure
Artist: Meghan Warren McKinney
I'm including this with the U.W. Buckys because Garding Against Cancer was started by the Badger Basketball Coach Greg Gard.
It's the charity benefiting from the Bucky auction at the end of the Parade.
Location: 2 E. Mifflin St.
Blog Posted: August 3, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
The Buckiest Buckys
Retro Bucky
Artist: S.V. Medaris
He stands along Lake Mendota outside the Wisconsin Alumni Association. He proudly wears all the Buckingham U. Badgers who preceded him on the sideline and in the limelight.
Location: 650 North Lake Street
Blog Posted: June 29, 2018
dwm photo: 6/16/2018
Buckiest Buckys
Black, White, and "Read" All Over
Artist: Phil Hands
The cartoonist for the Wisconsin State Journal penciled in dozens of versions of Bucky Badger all over the statue.
Location: 316 W. Washington Ave.
Blog Posted: August 20, 2018
dwm photo: 6/29/2018
Buckiest Buckys
Hip Buckster
Artist: Brooke Weiland and Evan Schultz
Right out of the 1970s, Hip Bucky is all about peace and the grooviest set of threads on the block.
Crazy, man.
Location: Olbrich Park
Blog Posted: June 25, 2018
dwm photo 5/28/2018
Buckiest Buckys
Bucky de los Muertos
Artist: Jennifer Estelle Schwarzkopf
It is a tribute to Day of the Dead celebrations honoring ancestors in the family and the community.
I like the multi-cultural flavor and using Bucky to instruct - which makes sense since he represents an educational institution.
Location: Monty's Blue Plate Diner
Blog Posted: June 11, 2018
dwm photo 5/28/2018
Quintessential Wisconsin
Sconnie B. Goode
Artist: Michael Roberts
Wisconsin is coming out of Sconnie's core with an eclectic mix of buttons, statues, and yardsticks.
There is a Nash emblem on one shoe; a colander on the back of his head; bumper stickers; metal signs; and bolts. I'm not sure how many pieces are on this guy, but it is incredible.
Location: Main Floor, State Capitol Rotunda
Blog Posted: July 16, 2018
dwm photos 6/29/2018
Quintessential Wisconsin
Pieces of Wisconsin
Artist: Anne Raskopf
It's name perfectly describes this Bucky as nearly every piece of the state's identity can be seen on his face and across his chest, back, and legs.
A ribbon of highway cuts through the flora and fauna of the state. A hot air balloon floats near planes coming in to land at the Experimental Aircraft Association annual fly-in.
A Packer logo adorns one elbow while Camp Randall sits on his right knee. There are fish and skiers and Monarch Butterflies.
Literally all pieces of Wisconsin.
Location: Henry Vilas Zoo
Blog Posted: June 22, 2018
dwm photos: 6/2/2018
Quintessential Wisconsin
Friday Night Fish Fry
Artist: Ashley Sheridan
He represents anglers casting a line to bring home supper and captures the essence of Friday night dining across the state.
Friday Night Fish Fry defined Supper Clubs across Wisconsin for decades and it is still closely linked to evenings out. That's why he is standing on a relish tray, made famous by those clubs.
Location: The Edgewater
Blog Posted: August 10, 2018
dwm photos 6/2/2018
Quintessential Wisconsin
It Takes Two Wheels
Artist: Brooke Wentland
There are two bicycle themed Buckys, but this one captures the ways bikes and their riders add to the culture and a slower way to experience Wisconsin.
The train tunnel south of Belleville on the Badger State Trail is a feature that turns biking into an adventure.
State trails, like the Capital City, tie urban and rural together as bikers pass fields, pastures, diners, churches, and taverns. You may drive past these features in a car, but to experience Wisconsin, it takes two wheels.
Location: Olin Park, Madison
Blog Posted: June 25, 2018 dwm photos: 5/28/2018
Crazylegs Bucky
Artist: Richard Yanke
Crazylegs represents the original Crazylegs - Elroy Hirsh a native of Wausau, Wisconsin who ran the ball for the Badgers and after time in the NFL became the leader of Wisconsin's Athletic program.
The nickname came from his unusual running style with legs seemingly going in all directions.
A Wisconsin original and fitting finale for the Bucky Parade.
Location: U.W. Police Department
Blog Posted: 8/23/2018
dwm photo 8/18/2018
I hoped you enjoyed riding with me through Bucky-land. You can read more about my favorite statues on parade by going to the landing page for Biking to Bucky on Parade.
Here are my favorites:
Most Interesting
America's Badgerland
Artist - Larry Schultz
This combines the state's most iconic symbols in an incredible 3-Dimensional design. The cow looks like she is walking right at me.
Location: UW Veterinary Medicine, Observatory Drive
Blog posted - July 9, 2018
dwm photo 6/9/2018
Most Interesting
Visible Bucky
Artists Philip Salamone with Sarah Greg
This was the Bucky I met that looked so real I wondered if I was actually looking below the skin.
Location: Science Hall, 550 N Park St.
Blog posted July 20, 2018
dwm photo 6/9/2018
Location: Science Hall, 550 N Park St.
Blog posted July 20, 2018
dwm photo 6/9/2018
Most Interesting
Ink'd Wisconsinly
Artist Stripe
Another look under Bucky's fur reveals a lot of artwork of the campus near and dear to his heart. It gives Bucky a lot of (State) street cred.
Location: 449 State Streeet
Blog posted August 10, 2018
dwm photo 6/16/2018
Artistic Winners
These three caught my eye for design and execution.
A Taste of Madison
Artist James McKiernan
I had to remind myself as I walked up to this guy in front of the Madison Hilton that all the Buckys were made of fiberglass.
Mr. McKiernan seems to have carved the essence of Madison into Bucky as the different colors in the block of wood are revealed by his carving tools. Beautiful.
Location Hilton Madison Monona Terrace
Blog posted July 23, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
Artistic Winner
Bucky come se Picassso
Artist Julie Hustad
I love the feel of Picasso you get looking at this Bucky. It features several of Picasso's artistic styles and is right outside the Chazen Museum of Art which has several real Picasso's hanging in their gallery.
Location Chazen Museum of Art
Blog posted July 23, 2018
dwm photo 6/16/2018
Artistic Winner
Vintage Postcard
Artist Anne Raskopf
This beauty along State Street offers a look up State Street to the State Capitol on the front of Bucky.
On the back is a place for the return address and to write the name of the person to whom you are sending it.
Location: 452 State Stree
Blog Posted August 10, 2018
dwm photo 6/16/2018
Special Recognition
Strike Up the Band
Artist Richard Yanke
This special effects Bucky recognizes Shake the Lake - the annual Fireworks show over Lake Monona.
Glow in the dark paint shows up at night and Bucky's inner glow lights up both sides of the firecracker Bucky.
Location: Lakeside - John Nolen Drive at South Broom St.
Blog posted: June 15, 2018
dwm photo 5/28/2018
Special Recognition
Bucky on Ice
Artist: Dan Gardiner
This Bucky brings together a lot of elements. First, he is standing near Monona Bay which is the hottest spot for ice fishing in the city. Anglers come from near and far to venture on the water to make a hole.
Bucky is holding an ice fishing pole. At his feet is a fish poking through the ice.
Location: 150 N Shore Dr
Blog Posted: June 18, 2018
dwm photo 5/28/2018
Special Recognition
Animals Need Bucky Too
Artist: Kathy King
It's not a jumpsuit, it's Dr. Bucky's lab coat emblazoned with all the animals depending on him and University of Wisconsin Veterinary graduates for care.
He is a confluence of color, animals, and education.
Location: 1 South Pinckney Street
Blog Posted: July 30, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
Special Recognition
Wisconsin Colors
Artist S.V. Medaris
I love this cow's sweater. Her birthmarks - forehead and the back of her head -depict America's Dairyland which produces a lot of cheese from its abundant supply of milk.
This Bucky looks great in front of the Capitol.
Location: Wisconsin State Capitol
Blog Posted: July 13, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
Special Recognition
Every Veteran is a Story
Artist: Yvette Pino
The service Buckys are special for who they represent and the way they portray the men and women of Wisconsin, past - present and future, who served and serve our country.
Location: Main floor State Capitol Rotunda
Blog Posted; July 13, 2018
dwm photo: 6/29/2018
Full Fatigues
Artists: Madison Vet Center/V.S.A.
This Bucky stands guard in the Wisconsin Veterans Museum.
His face is covered with images of military service and members of the military. His uniform is made from those of each branch of the military.
Location: Wisconsin Veterans Museum
Blog Posted: August 10, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
University Honors
5th Quarter
Artist Kim Marie
This Bucky is inside to protect his instruments and the sheet music plastered all over him.
He salutes the antics and fun of the Badger Band after the final gun of each Wisconsin home football game.
Location: AC Hotel by Marriott
Blog Posted: July 23, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
University Honors
Bucky Alvarez
Artist: Dan Gardiner
Bucky's stern visage, partially hidden by sunglasses gives the coaching Badger a close resemblance to the legendary coach who lifted Wisconsin football back to national prominence.
Location: Camp Randall
Blog Posted: August 24, 2018
dwm photo: 6/9/2018
University Honors
Vial Caps for a Cure
Artist: Meghan Warren McKinney
I'm including this with the U.W. Buckys because Garding Against Cancer was started by the Badger Basketball Coach Greg Gard.
It's the charity benefiting from the Bucky auction at the end of the Parade.
Location: 2 E. Mifflin St.
Blog Posted: August 3, 2018
dwm photo 6/29/2018
The Buckiest Buckys
Retro Bucky
Artist: S.V. Medaris
He stands along Lake Mendota outside the Wisconsin Alumni Association. He proudly wears all the Buckingham U. Badgers who preceded him on the sideline and in the limelight.
Location: 650 North Lake Street
Blog Posted: June 29, 2018
dwm photo: 6/16/2018
Buckiest Buckys
Black, White, and "Read" All Over
Artist: Phil Hands
The cartoonist for the Wisconsin State Journal penciled in dozens of versions of Bucky Badger all over the statue.
Location: 316 W. Washington Ave.
Blog Posted: August 20, 2018
dwm photo: 6/29/2018
Buckiest Buckys
Hip Buckster
Artist: Brooke Weiland and Evan Schultz
Right out of the 1970s, Hip Bucky is all about peace and the grooviest set of threads on the block.
Crazy, man.
Location: Olbrich Park
Blog Posted: June 25, 2018
dwm photo 5/28/2018
Buckiest Buckys
Bucky de los Muertos
Artist: Jennifer Estelle Schwarzkopf
It is a tribute to Day of the Dead celebrations honoring ancestors in the family and the community.
I like the multi-cultural flavor and using Bucky to instruct - which makes sense since he represents an educational institution.
Location: Monty's Blue Plate Diner
Blog Posted: June 11, 2018
dwm photo 5/28/2018
Quintessential Wisconsin
Sconnie B. Goode
Artist: Michael Roberts
Wisconsin is coming out of Sconnie's core with an eclectic mix of buttons, statues, and yardsticks.
There is a Nash emblem on one shoe; a colander on the back of his head; bumper stickers; metal signs; and bolts. I'm not sure how many pieces are on this guy, but it is incredible.
Location: Main Floor, State Capitol Rotunda
Blog Posted: July 16, 2018
dwm photos 6/29/2018
Quintessential Wisconsin
Pieces of Wisconsin
Artist: Anne Raskopf
It's name perfectly describes this Bucky as nearly every piece of the state's identity can be seen on his face and across his chest, back, and legs.
A ribbon of highway cuts through the flora and fauna of the state. A hot air balloon floats near planes coming in to land at the Experimental Aircraft Association annual fly-in.
A Packer logo adorns one elbow while Camp Randall sits on his right knee. There are fish and skiers and Monarch Butterflies.
Literally all pieces of Wisconsin.
Location: Henry Vilas Zoo
Blog Posted: June 22, 2018
dwm photos: 6/2/2018
Quintessential Wisconsin
Friday Night Fish Fry
Artist: Ashley Sheridan
He represents anglers casting a line to bring home supper and captures the essence of Friday night dining across the state.
Friday Night Fish Fry defined Supper Clubs across Wisconsin for decades and it is still closely linked to evenings out. That's why he is standing on a relish tray, made famous by those clubs.
Location: The Edgewater
Blog Posted: August 10, 2018
dwm photos 6/2/2018
Quintessential Wisconsin
It Takes Two Wheels
Artist: Brooke Wentland
There are two bicycle themed Buckys, but this one captures the ways bikes and their riders add to the culture and a slower way to experience Wisconsin.
The train tunnel south of Belleville on the Badger State Trail is a feature that turns biking into an adventure.
State trails, like the Capital City, tie urban and rural together as bikers pass fields, pastures, diners, churches, and taverns. You may drive past these features in a car, but to experience Wisconsin, it takes two wheels.
Location: Olin Park, Madison
Blog Posted: June 25, 2018 dwm photos: 5/28/2018
Crazylegs Bucky
Artist: Richard Yanke
Crazylegs represents the original Crazylegs - Elroy Hirsh a native of Wausau, Wisconsin who ran the ball for the Badgers and after time in the NFL became the leader of Wisconsin's Athletic program.
The nickname came from his unusual running style with legs seemingly going in all directions.
A Wisconsin original and fitting finale for the Bucky Parade.
Location: U.W. Police Department
Blog Posted: 8/23/2018
dwm photo 8/18/2018
I hoped you enjoyed riding with me through Bucky-land. You can read more about my favorite statues on parade by going to the landing page for Biking to Bucky on Parade.
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