Biking to Bucky, Part 8

Major Bucky checks out the band's
practice field across the street.
6/9/2018  dwm photo
The weather and other events have conspired against me getting on the bike and completing the ride to see Bucky.  Thankfully, there are still plenty to share as we move from statue to statue across greater Madison.  

Today we meet Bucky #50, 51, 52, and 54

Major Bucky - #50 - Artist Rachel Lyga

Drum Major Bucky is set to lead 76 trombones as he looks toward the practice field for the University of Wisconsin Marching Band.

Mace in hand, whistle around his neck, and a fine looking hat complete the uniform for the first of several marching Buckys on Parade.

Just about in the center of Badger sports at the corner of Walnut Street and Marsh Drive he is close to the Goodman Softball Diamond, Nielsen Tennis Stadium, McClimon Soccer Fields, and Lake Mendota.

A serene Bucky wishes
you g'night. 6/9/18 (dwm)
Goodnight Bucky - #51 - Artist Angelica Contreras

A half-mile away on University Bay Drive is the U.W.'s Lakeshore Nature Preserve, and where you find Goodnight Bucky greeting guests to Picnic Point.

The peninsula reaches into Lake Mendota opposite the lake's south shore, offering a view of the Memorial Union.  It is a popular place to walk, fish, and picnic.

Bear and Badger warm by their
camp fire. 6/9/18 (dwm)
Bucky is a peaceful vista of camping life, complete with a tent and a Volkswagon Micro Bus (shown on Bucky's back).

I wonder what a bear and badger might talk about around a camp fire.  They have a respectful rivalry since each is an animal you do not want to mess if you see one in the wild.  If they are hanging out together, that's good news for the rest of the forest.

Bucky is ready to dream.
6/9/18 dwm photo
Dream Big Bucky - #52 - Artist Jaroslava Sobiskova 

Standing near the main entrance of the University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, Dream Big Bucky is dressed casually to greet patients and their families.

He cut out the footies to avoid sliding down hospital hallways.  The colorful pajamas provide a light look and encourages guests to look beyond this visit to the hospital.

One of the panels on
Bucky's PJ's. (dwm)
There is a boy and his dog; a fireman fighting a fire; and a girl enjoying her private zoo on three of the colorful patches.

This Bucky may provoke a slight smile from a nervous patient.  He might represent a goal for patients getting back on their feet to get that photo with the cuddly Badger.

The idea to dream big is appropriate.  On the other side of the medical complex is the American Family Children's Hospital.  The large insurer is known for insuring and protecting dreams.  For patients, the big dreams are personal - recovery, good health, and return to normal.

Leckrone's Stop at the Top - #54 - Artist Jeanne Burgess

Flashing his marching
prowess before the game
6/9/2018  (dwm)
Our second Bucky in the band is hanging out in front of Union South across from Camp Randall Stadium.

Leckrone is Mike Leckrone, the director of the University of Wisconsin Marching Band since 1969.  His signature is a demanding style of marching called "stop at the top."

It's a short pause with the foot in the air before finishing and raising the other foot.  When you see 250 members marching in unison with the stop at the top, it demonstrates cohesion, coordination, and stamina

Bucky stops at the top.
6/9/18 (dwm)
When Director Leckrone arrived in Madison, and during much of his early tenure, the marching band was the reason to attend home games.

Over the last 20 years, the teams have taken center stage accompanied by energized members of the band and a tireless Leckrone.  Athletes on offense and defense get lots of praise, but the students carrying instruments and playing their hearts out are athletes too.

Our next round of visits with Bucky comes after the weekend.  Check out the Biking to Bucky homepage for previous posts.
