Biking to Bucky, Part 7

The 1940 version of Bucky Badger
6/16/2018  dwm photo
After riding around the east side of the U.W. campus clicking Bucky, I was left with 25 on the isthmus; 2 on my missing Badger list; and 1 Bucky that isn't supposed to show up for a few more weeks.

Figuring out when to finish the Buckys is taking time.  Since the ones left are downtown and around the Capitol Square - I don't want to pursue them on a Saturday morning when the Farmer's Market is packing in crowds.

Hopefully I will get to them sometime in the next week.  In the meantime, enjoy these three Buckys on Parade - #55, 58, and 68.

Retro Bucky on the shore of Lake
Mendota - 650 N Lake St.
6/16/2018   dwm photo
Retro Bucky - #55 - Artist S. V. Medaris

Bucky is a one animal welcoming committee for University of Wisconsin alumni wherever he is, "If you want to be a Badger, come along with me,"

It was pretty quiet when I found Bucky with a complete collection of Buckys from different eras across his red-striped sweater and legs.

There is painting of a Bucky in costume flashing the "W" sign with his claws on the back of the sweater and several old-school versions of crankier and more serious versions of Mr. Badger.

It is a work of art covered in works of art.

While I am not an alumnus, I guess the current term of choice is that I identify as a Badger.  While Drake University is my alma mater, the home state school was always interesting to me and there is a lot to like about the state's flagship school.

A not-so-life like Bucky
is a robot at Madison
College.  6/2/18 (dwm)
Bucky Bot - # 58 - Artist Jeff DeWitt

You may not be able to see it in this photo unless you click to see the larger size, but Bucky Bot is held together by plates, electrodes, and wires.

This mild-mannered Bucky is brushing up on some classes at Madison College north-east of his usual college home.

He could also pass as a Star Wars' Storm Trooper if some one gave him a mask.

Bucky Bot does OK with the ladies.  There were a couple young co-eds lining up to take selfies with him even on a day off school.

Farmer Bucky in
Winnequah Park, Monona
5/28/2018  (dwm)
Farmer Bucky - #68 - Artist Julie Hancock

One of the best things about Bucky on Parade is finding him a little out of his usual comfort zone.

While I expect Bucky to know agriculture here in America's Dairyland - I don't picture him as an actual farmer.  That's a lot of work - 24/7/365.

He looks the part on a field of green in Monona's large city park with a red cap, matching flannel work shirt, and solid work boots.

Which could explain the look on his face... I think he wants to get to work.

There are a lot more Buckys to see - just click
