My Week That Was Feb 10

A Bald Eagle on the hunt.
2/6/2018        dwm photo
It was just a week ago I thought avoiding whatever was going around was possible.

Not this time.  Although, I'm convinced getting tthe flu shot spared me the roughest part of influenza.

Deep hacking cough, check.  Runny nose, check.  Fever, no.  Nausea, no.  Fatigue, yes.

After an exciting Super Bowl Sunday night with Philadelphia defeating New England, I was happy about the result, happier that right guard Jerry Kramer finally made the Hall of Fame.

I stayed home Monday with a cough which sounded horrible. I felt OK and my calendar was free of visits, so I went back to work.

Tuesday was an unexpected highlight.  I joined a resident trip to Sauk Prairie to watch Bald Eagles.  At the start, we found 10 - 12 birds roosting in trees and an immature eagle on a short flight, but that was it.  We tried a couple locations and at our last spot, the eagles took off.  A lot of them.

It's the most Bald Eagles I've ever seen in the air at the same time.  One photo captured six in the same shot.  It was an exciting and special experience.

By Thursday morning, the last of the symptoms were wrapping up.  I am blessed it wasn't worse.

Adopt a fire hydrant
2/9/18    (dwm)
Winter arrived in south-central Wisconsin.  Snow on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday left more than what we received all season.

Much of the area is blanketed with 6 to 10 inches of snow.  It looks great.

Just pay attention to some of the stuff covered by that blanket of white.  Fire hydrants covered, or nearly so, with snow can be difficult for firefighters to find.  Worse, it takes precious time for emergency responders to shovel them out to reach the water.

Look for your hydrant.  Adopt it.  Clear a path to it from the street and clear a three foot circle around it.  Hopefully it is unnecessary work, but if there is a fire you and your neighbors will be glad you took the time.

I wonder what next week will be like.....
