The Christmas Train

The Christmas Train on its way
to Oconomowoc.  12/3/2017  dwm
For 19 years, special Canadian Pacific trains cross parts of the United States and Canada to put on a show and raise awareness and food for local pantries.

It crossed my radar a few years ago, but it was only this year I had a chance to see it for myself.

On Sunday, December 3 the train ride started in Wauwatosa with an early evening arrival. 

My phone's camera caught
the end of the train.  (dwm)
After a 30 minute show, the whistles blew and it was down the track to Hartland.

My plan was to catch it just east of Oconomowoc then drive into town and take in the show while getting some close-ups of the cars.

Just one problem.  I wasn't sure how to set up my camera before the train passed.  You can see in the top right photo that I chose my settings poorly.

The car (left) with "evergreen" lights is where
three performers and Santa entertained thousands.  (dwm)
Terri Clark, Dallas Smith, and Kelly Prescott performed.  The portion of the concert I heard were classic Christmas songs.

Which brings me to the second miscalculation of the evening.

I thought there would be a crowd.

I did not think it would be somewhere close to 10,000 people or more.

Traffic delayed my arrival.  Thankfully, I saw one of the lit cars, made a turn and found a parking space.

One of the rail cars.  (dwm)
Picking up a bag of non-perishable food and my camera I ran toward the crowd.  The Oconomowoc Food Pantry took the bag.

I made my way close to the crossing.  Both sides of the track were teeming with people anxious to hear the music and see the Jolly Ol' Elf.

The end Christmas Train on its way to the
last stop in Columbus.  (dwm photo)
The 14 car train looks like all of my neighbors went nuts with Christmas decorations, then put the houses on wheels and drove them around the city.

It is, literally, a moving Christmas message.

I need to go back next year, to get better shots of the Christmas Train.
