Year we go! Internet image |
The United States inaugurated its 45th President.
We experienced great highs and breath-taking gut-punch tragedies, occasionally at the same time.
Prime examples are the Hurricanes which left a wake of death and destruction across the Caribbean, Florida, and Texas.
The devastation was heart-breaking.
The response from neighbors, country, and the world was equally heart-warming. Often, our best is revealed during the worst of times.
The horrific mass shooting in Las Vegas intertwined unthinkable stories of a killer and the heroic response of concert-goers and community members who jumped quickly to save and protect their fellow men and women.
In general, the United States economy, especially the stock market, had a record-setting year. But, there are many people who can't find work. Unemployment is down, but if you are unemployed, the statistic doesn't offer comfort.
It seems we are more willing to get off the sidelines and share our opinion. However, we are not usually ready to listen to opposing views. Those with opposing views are not ready to listen to us either. Which seems to polarize us all the more.
"My side is good your side is evil," is the motto of national discourse. We can do better.
It is a good thing to discuss subjects which previously didn't see the light of day - sexual harassment, for example. It is not so good, that this discussion occasionally leans too quickly with a broad brush painting in both directions.
2017 didn't solve much. The 2016 election illustrated a divided populous. Sadly, bipartisanship didn't take center stage this year. We have another election cycle in 2018, so our politicians are unlikely to work on this issue; maybe we can.
All that said, 2017 was a year of many blessings - a healthy family, good job, a nice place to live, and opportunity to serve others. The challenges, which change shape from year to year, help us recognize the blessings.
Thanks for reading some, most, or all of the 254 posts during 2017. I'm planning to continue 4 each week with extras when the spirit moves me.
Please join me in giving thanks for the past 365 days and prayer for the necessary faith and courage in the year ahead.
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