Christmas Memories

Ornaments on our tree.
12/2017     dwm photo
Most Christmas memories are the cherished ones we love to recount around the holiday meal, but what about the not-so-great holiday recollections?

Just a few of mine  fall to the "less than best" level, but why not talk about those?  The passage of time makes the memory take hold of its humorous aspects.

It was one holiday during the 1990s when we lived in north Wisconsin and all four of us got sick.  Real sick with the flu.  I remember wrapping a cool towel around my head like a turban while the rest of the family huddled under blankets as we watched movies on VHS tapes.

Less clear is a memory of why the tree fell, but I won't forget the good size fresh-cut tree leaning and crashing to the floor.  If a tree falls in a forest, maybe no one hears it, but that Christmas Eve in Janesville was loud.  The tree fell, vintage ornaments shattered.  I grabbed the tree and threw it outside in the snow.  It happened very quickly.  I think everything else that Christmas went OK, but the tree fall is what I recall.

Years and years earlier, the extended family gathered at our house.  I was maybe in kindergarten or first grade while playing in the basement with friends.  We must have had a disagreement or they thought I could catch.  Either way, the can hit me sharply in the forehead and left a cut, bruise, blood, and tears.

That's about it for low-lights.

There were more star-bright Christmases...

The evening we were engaged was awesome.  The next day we rode with my family through a major snow storm to see relatives on Christmas.  It was twice as long as usual, but lives in family lore.

Same tree, more ornaments.
dwm photo
There was the year I found a bright red bike with a banana seat under the tree.

No matter where we lived, we drive around after church on Christmas Eve to look at Christmas lights.  Holiday music plays on the radio.  I recall when the boys were younger they were excited and wondering what they might find under the tree.

I hope you find a good memory around your tree this year!
