Office Visit

My son's office.
dwm photo
When I was a kid, I loved going to my Dad's office.

It's not like I understood what he did there.

Sometimes, if he had stuff to do, I might draw or build something.

One visit which stands out was the time we were there a while, because he gave me some change to get something from the vending machine.

I bought a Suzy-Q.  Ooey-gooey twin cakes with frosting. A delicious mess.

View from an office window.
dwm photo
Years later, I had an office.

My job was different than my father's, so the visits for my kids were short.  One office had a small news desk with a wall behind it featuring the station logo.  It was where I could do a live shot for the evening news if the events of the day called for it.

Just a couple years later, I sold insurance from a home office.  Attempting to maintain "regular hours," I asked my dad to craft a stoplight for the edge of my desk so the kids would know if they could come in or not.

It wasn't effective.

Monument Circle  (dwm)
Later.  Much later, last week, in fact - I visited my son's office.

You can see the Indiana Capitol from one window and Indianapolis' Monument Circle from another.

It is a cool sight from the 28th floor.

It was more fun to check out his workplace.
Indianapolis' skyline.
His building is second from right.

He didn't let me play on the computer and there wasn't any Hostess treats.

It was better.

A tangible step along his career ladder with lessons to learn and opportunities to earn.

I enjoyed the view and look forward to seeing his next office.
