Battle of the Sexes

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I was 9 years old when Bobby Riggs played Billie Jean King, the best woman tennis player in the world in a "battle of the sexes."

44 years later, there is a movie about it.

The film follows the rise of women's tennis and the arc of King's life and career.

Riggs is a retired professional player trying to make a go of things on the senior circuit, but it isn't enough to keep him interested.

King rebels against the unequal treatment of women by the men in charge of tennis; and helps create the women's tour. The film follows the tour and the efforts of the aging tennis pro to stay relevant and turn a buck.

His idea, take on the best woman in tennis.  His first opponent is Margaret Court and he wins in a walk-over.  The humiliating loss and setback to women on the tennis court and in the court of public opinion, turns the tide as King agrees to play Riggs in the Houston Astrodome.

Emma Stone and Steve Carell star in the movie and are a good fit.  It felt authentic to me.  The clothing, the politics, and Howard Cosell on the mic during the prime-time match of the Lobber against the Libber make it a walk down one of memory lane's side-streets.

I recommend it, but if you haven't seen it yet, you may need to take it in at a discount theater or on DVR, I don't think it will be in theaters very long.
