Pianos on the Street

Sit right down, you could be the Piano Man or Woman!
dwm photo
This is probably not something new, but it is new to me.

During a summer trip, while walking around a small Iowa river town, I noticed a couple pianos in a park.

McGregor, Iowa was hit by a pretty tough storm between my visit and this blog, so I hope the good folks there are again singing in the streets.

Just a short biographical note here, when I covered the Iowa Legislature as a Drake University sophomore, one of the legislative pages I knew hailed from McGregor.

That's it, I don't recall the name, but the hometown has stayed with me all those years.  I also hope they and their family are doing well.
Piano in a McGregor, Iowa Park.  (dwm)

Also since I saw these beautiful instruments, a friend of mine posted photos of public pianos in Colorado.  This must already be a "thing."

I love the idea!  If just a bit more of those notes from piano lessons I took 17 years ago had stuck in my brain, I might have tried to tickle the ivories a little.

In any case, whether someone is a concert level performer or beginner - public pianos can give us all what we need more - music!
