In the Rotary Garden

Janesville, Wisconsin (dwm photo)
Rotary Gardens displays gardens of many styles and themes.

The top photo from yesterday's blog showed the Italian Gardens surrounding a Koi pond with a French Formal Garden overlooking the water.

Twenty distinct gardens are carefully tended by volunteers and local garden groups.

A collection of Herb gardens grow little Herberts, nurturing them before they can make their way in the world.

Flowers in the English Cottage Garden (dwm)
The English Cottage Garden is the entry for most guests at the Rotary Gardens.  It is in a small courtyard with small plots with annuals, perennials, and vegetables.

The Japanese Garden attracted me with the sound of running water.

Along with the falling water were ponds of rock, raked into waves.

There are Hostas, hundreds of them.  500 of the 3,000 some varieties of the easy to maintain perennial.
Japanese Garden (dwm)

Quiet is abundant.

Towering trees add a vertical dimension to the gardens.  The pond acts as home base where guests gather.

In a special exhibit, a translucent blue building caught my eye.

An aquarium.  On the door, it advised holding one's breath and closing the door quickly so the water couldn't escape.

Inside was a wonderful view of life under the Sea.

Inside the Aquarium   (dwm)
Clown fish, Dolphin, and Angelfish float above Crab and Lobster on the ocean floor.

It's a whimsical touch with a sense of play in a place of solitude and hushed voices.

It's fun.  For me, it helps define the space as a spot for people of all ages wherever they walk or swim along life's journey.

There are things to learn; plants to appreciate; and a sense of wonder to explore - in the Garden.
