Limerick HOF

Lim - rick:
a humorous, frequently bawdy, verse of three long and two short lines rhyming aabba, popularized by Edward Lear.
late 19th century: said to be from the chorus “Will you come up to Limerick?,” sung between improvised verses at a gathering.  Source

It's a poem which has come a long way
It's repeated day after day
One might be neurotic
Or sometimes erotic
With frequent pun humor in play.  (dwm)

My dad wrote poems.  Much better and appropriate poems than the little limerick I tried to start this blog.  The inspiration came in stumbling across the Limerick Hall of Fame in downtown Greendale, Wisconsin.

A Hall of Fame Limerick
Greendale is home to Reiman Publications which produce feel-good, uplifting magazines filled with memories and good humor.

The last time I was in Greendale, "Taste of Home" magazine dominated the stretch of stores.

Several related stores still line the street, with unusual gifts and helpful tools for around the house.  While walking past Ferchs Malt Shoppe (unfortunately closed) I noticed a small arrow pointing to the Limerick Hall of Fame.

Inside the store, back in a corner were dozens of entries from loyal readers.  There was a pad of paper and a box to write and share your own limerick.  I didn't leave one, just enjoyed the read.

Way in the back, I thought I noticed a small verse with the qualifications:
Another one
Each limerick should show great potential
Of rhyming and being quite special.
No need to be funny,
Just be on the money.
To be sure to earn your credential.

Next time you are near Milwaukee, head to Greendale:

When traveling near to Milwaukee,
Forget all the jibber and talkie.
Try lines of precision,
And sometimes derision.
Then go to Ferchs for coffee.
