False Positives

We've had some abnormally warm winter days.

There are just traces of snow left.

The blanket of white is only visible underneath beds of leaves and the cover of trees or the north side of buildings.

Is it over?

Are the winter days behind us?

Not likely.

Some time during the next month to six weeks, we will get snow.

I'm hoping we see one or two big snows - six inches or more.

It's February 16th - days are getting noticeably longer.  The sun is getting stronger.

The ground is wet.  One reason, we still have frost in the ground so the moisture can't be absorbed.

Frankly it's pretty blah out there.  The occasional days of sun help break the blahs.

Silent trees.  Dead grass.  Lead skies.  Soggy sod.


Don't fret.  Don't worry.

It's February... there's still time for snow.
