Winter is Here!

Winter 2016 wanted to be polite and not keep us waiting... so it walked in December 3 and made itself comfortable.

It waited comfortably in the trees and bushes until 4:44 this morning when Winter arrived in all its glory and delivered the shortest amount of light for the year.

From here to next June 20, the amount of light lengthens just a bit each day.  8 hours and 59 minutes today and tomorrow, then 9 hours of daylight Christmas Eve day.

Maybe, after some unusually cold December days and more snow than we've experienced in a few years, the idea of more sun will warm your heart.

Jillions of snowflakes cover the ground, each one different than the next.

Cold wind
Nose freezing
Tear inducing

Gently fall
One on another
Over and over
and over
and over
And again.

Bright sun
Cold day.

Cloudy skies
Blanket in "warmth"

Enjoy it now 
Spring comes soon enough.
