Milk delivery drivers take dairy products to stores and restaurants.
Jewelers make jewelry.
Barbers cut hair.
Pharmacists fill prescriptions.
Pharmacist Hugh did his job the other evening.
I was waiting to pick up a prescription a couple nights ago and as the pharmacist gave instructions on the drug's dosage, I interrupted by telling him the patient is an adult and able to figure it out.
He looked at me and said the prescription was for a very low dose, and something must be wrong.
He stopped everything, called the doctor, confirmed the error, and received a revised and proper medical order.
The patient is slowly getting better... something that doesn't happen with too small a dose.
As I watched the frenetic action behind the counter, I was impressed by the number of prescriptions filled and delivered in a relatively short amount of time.
It's comforting to know pharmacists like Hugh are just doing their job, so the right drug in the right dose gets to the people who need it.
Thanks, Hugh, for doing your job.
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